• Alexander  Reiter
    Alexander Reiter
    Dipl. Tzt., DVM, Dipl. AVDC, Dipl. EVDC
    Dr Alexander M. Reiter är docent i odontologi och oralkirurgi samt chef för The Dentistry and Oral Surgery Service vid University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine.Dr. Reiter är Diplomate vid både  American och European Veterinary Dental Colleges. Han utexaminerades från University of Veterinary Medicine i Wien, Österrike, 1996. Dr. Reiter är mottagare av 2004 års European Veterinary Dental College/European Veterinary Dental Society Award och American Veterinary Dental Society/Hill’s Research and Education Award 2006.
  • Ana Nemec
    Ana Nemec
    DVM, PhD, Dipl. AVDC, Dipl. EVDC
    Ana Nemec graduated from the Veterinary Faculty University of Ljubljana, Slovenia in 2004 and continued with a multi-disciplinary PhD program in Biomedicine at the University of Ljubljana. She was awarded her PhD in 2009. Ana wanted to complement research with in-depth clinical knowledge and applied for a 3-year residency training in Dentistry and Oral Surgery at the University of California-Davis, USA. Upon completion of the residency programme in 2012, Ana returned home to the Small Animal Clinic of the Veterinary Faculty in Ljubljana. She passed her board examination and became a Diplomate of the American Veterinary Dental College (AVDC) in 2013 and has also been accepted to the European Veterinary Dental College (EVDC). Ana joined the team at Animal Hospital Postojna, Slovenia in April 2018. She is a guest lecturer at the postgraduate study programme in surgery, anaesthesiology, ophthalmology, and veterinary dentistry at the Veterinary Faculty, University of Zagreb, Croatia, a member and past-treasurer of the European Veterinary Dental Society, Secretary of the EVDC, Credential Committee member of AVDC, recipient of several national and international awards in veterinary medicine, an Associate Editor of ‘Veterinary Dentistry and Oromaxillofacial Surgery’ journal, a reviewer in several international journals and author of research and professional papers; but Ana’s greatest passions remain relieving oral pain in animals and the teaching of veterinary dentistry.
  • Gerhard Steenkamp
    Gerhard Steenkamp
    BSc, BVSc, MSc, PhD, Cert (Zoo & Wildl. Dentistry)
    Gerhard completed his BVSc degree during 1994 from the University of Pretoria’s Faculty of Veterinary Science at Onderstepoort. He completed the inaugural course in dentistry offered through the European school for Advanced Veterinary Studies in 1998. After 3 years in Europe he returned to Onderstepoort where he has been the head of the Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery clinic ever since. Gerhard completed an MSc looking at clinically relevant morphometrics of African elephant tusks and recently completed his PhD looking at the structure, development and pathology of the cheetah maxillofacial complex. In 2017 Gerhard became a founding member of the certificate in Zoo and Wildlife Dentistry. His research interests include developmental dentistry and maxillofacial surgery of non-domesticated species as well as maxillofacial pathology and surgery of domestic species.
  • Gert ter Haar
    Gert ter Haar
    Gert ter Haar graduated from Utrecht University in the Netherlands in 1997, with differentiation in Small Animal Medicine and Surgery. After his internship in the Department of Clinical Sciences of Companion Animals at Utrecht University he undertook a residency in Small Animal Surgery in the same Department from 1998 to 2001. Since then he has been a member of the staff of this Department as Assistant and later Associate Professor in Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) diseases and diseases of the upper airways. In 2002 he qualified as a Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Surgeons and he became head of the Department of ENT in 2003. Also in 2003 he became the secretary of the International Veterinary Ear, Nose and Throat Association (IVENTA), a specialist association affiliated with the World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA). His research on hearing in dogs led to his PhD thesis, a 220-page book entitled “Age-related hearing loss in dogs” and the oral defence of his thesis at Utrecht University, October 27, 2009. On the same day he became President of the IVENTA and the representative of the IVENTA to the WSAVA. He joined the Royal Veterinary College in London in December 2011 and currently works there as a senior lecturer in soft tissue surgery and head of the ENT Division.
  • Henriette Booij-Vrieling
    Henriette Booij-Vrieling
    DVM, DDS, PhD, Dipl. EVDC
    Henriette graduated from the Academic Centre for Dentistry (ACTA, University of Amsterdam) as a dentist in 1998. At that time she already studied veterinary medicine at the Veterinary Faculty from Utrecht University and graduated again in 2004. Henriëtte became affiliated to the Veterinary Faculty and completed a PhD in 2010 (Tooth resorption in cats, contribution of vitamin D and inflammation). In 2018 she passed the EVDC exam and became the first Dutch diplomate in veterinary dentistry. During her second study, PhD and preparations for the EVDC exam, she worked part-time as a dentist. Nowadays she continues to work as a “normal” “human” dentist in a dental clinic. As a diplomate in veterinary dentistry she is affiliated to Utrecht University to practice, teach and contribute to research in the veterinary dental field.
  • Ingeling Bull
    Ingeling Bull
    DVM, European Veterinary Specialist in Dentistry, Dipl. EVDC,
    Ingeling blev utexaminerad från Norges veterinärhögskola i Oslo år 1998. Hon arbetade inom både häst- och smådjurspraxis från 1998 till 2002, inklusive Mysen Djurklinik 1998-2002 och Enebakk Djurklinik 1999-2002. År 2002 grundade hon Tjøme Djurklinik, som hon drev fram till 2018. Hon var med och grundade Dyretannklinikken tillsammans med sin make Sigbjørn Storli i juli samma år. Ingeling tog sin första efterutbildningskurs inom veterinär odontologi år 2009, och sedan dess har hon deltagit i flera efterutbildningskurser inom tandhälsa, anestesi och smärtbehandling både i Norge och utomlands. År 2019 påbörjade hon en 3-årig specialistutbildning inom veterinär odontologi. Detta är en mycket omfattande efterutbildning som endast Sigbjørn Storli bland norska veterinärer hade genomfört innan henne. Hon avlade och klarade examen år 2022 på första försöket! Tillsammans med Sigbjørn är de de enda EBVS® godkända veterinärspecialisterna inom veterinär odontologi i Norge.
  • Karin Råberg
    Karin Råberg
    Veterinär, Specialistkompetens i sjukdomar hos hund och katt
    Karin driver och arbetar på Blekinge smådjursklinik sedan 2006, hennes främsta intresseområden är tandvård och kirurgi. Hon har genomgått ESAVS och en hel del andra vidareutbildningar inom tandvård för hund och katt. Hon har varit föreläsare på Accesia Academy från start, och har varit föreläsare på våra extraktionskurser sedan 2006.
  • Lena Svendenius
    Lena Svendenius
    Leg. Veterinär, Specialistkompetens i odontologi hos hund och katt
    Veterinärexamen 1993, anställd vid Djursjukhuset i Skara 1994-2003. Universitetsadjunkt vid SLU i Skara 2004-2015.
  • Loic Legendre
    Loic Legendre
    Efter att ha drivit en ambulerande remisspraktik i British Columbia under flera år, jobbar han nu på West Coast Veterinary Dental Services Ltd. Han har publicerat ett flertal artiklar i Canadian Vet Journal, J Vet Dentistry, Compendium of CE for the Veterinarian och skrivit kapitel i veterinärlitteratur såsom ”Oral and maxillfacial Surgery in Dogs and Cats”. Han tycker om att lära ut, både på universitet och konferenser världen över. Hans intresseområden är ortodonti, exotiska djur (zoo och smådjur) samt maxillofacial kirurgi.
  • Magnus Andersson
    Magnus Andersson
    DVM, Leg. Veterinär, Chefveterinär vid Evidensia Djurkliniken i Karlskoga
    Under flera år har Magnus arbetat med tandsjukdomar hos hundar och katter. Han har ett 20-tal vidareutbildningar i oralkirurgi och djurtandvård samt är inne på sitt sista år för att bli EVDC Diplomate.
  • Margherita Gracis
    Margherita Gracis
    DVM, Dipl AVDC, Dipl EVDC
    Dr Gracis graduated in 1993 from the Veterinary School of the University of Milano (Italy). After a Residency in Veterinary Dentistry at the Veterinary School of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (USA), she worked at the same institution as a Lecturer in Veterinary Dentistry. Since 2000 she has been working at different referral clinics in Northern Italy, dedicated to dentistry and oral surgery. She is a Diplomate of both the American (AVDC) and the European (EVDC) Veterinary Dental Colleges. Dr Gracis is Past President of the European Veterinary Dental Society (EVDS) and the Italian Veterinary Dental Society (SIODOV). She has been Scientific Director of SCIVAC courses in Dentistry since 2006, and ESAVS Course Master in Dentistry from 2011 until 2014. Dr Gracis is Associate Editor of Veterinary Dentistry and Oromaxillofacial Surgery (specialty section of Frontiers in Veterinary Science). She is consultant in Dentistry of the Scientific Committee of SCIVAC (Italian Veterinary Society – Small Animals) and member of the Editorial Review Board of the Journal of Veterinary Dentistry and other scientific journals. Since 1997 she has authored several scientific publications, and lectured at national and international meetings.
  • Marnix Lamberts
    Marnix Lamberts
    DVM, Dentistry & Oro-maxillofacial surgery
    Is a veterinarian 100% working in veterinary dentistry and oro-maxillofacial surgery since 2003. He does not only treat small animals but also often treats the teeth of zoo and wild animals throughout Europe. He is founder and secretary of the Zoo Med Conservation Foundation, funding scientific medical research on wild and zoo animals and their conservational aspects. Apart from zoos he works for Four Paws and Stichting AAP. Since 2 years he is taking care of the specialized oral surgeries and dentistry in the referral centers of IVC Evidensia in Amsterdam and Arnhem (EDZ Amsterdam and EDZ Arnhem). Apart from the clinical work he is also Operational Manager and Head of Discipline Dentistry and Oro-maxillofacial surgery for IVC Evidensia Netherlands. For IVC Evidensia he organizes the IVC Evidenisa Oral day conference every January. As a very active member of the European Veterinary Dental Society he is currently the Conference Manager of the European Veterinary Dental Forum, the yearly conference taking place in a different European city every year. Marnix graduated in 1999 at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Utrecht in The Netherlands. In 2003 he bought one of the oldest veterinary dental clinics in the Netherlands, Dierenkliniek Europaplein Amsterdam , which joined IVC Evidensia 2 years ago. He is a former president of the Dutch dental working group WVT, during which he organized an annual conference on dentistry for both vets and nurses from The Netherlands and Belgium. He is married, is father of three boys and entertains a Labrador and a dachshund.
  • Peter Strøm
    Peter Strøm
    DVM, MSc, Dipl. AVDC, Dipl. EVDC
    Peter Strøm tog sin Veterinärexamen på Köpenhamns Universitet I Danmark 2010. Han gjorde sin ST-utbildning i “Dentistry and Oral Surgery” 2013 – 2016 vid University of California, Davis (UC Davis). Tidigare hade han arbetat som veterinär på smådjursklinik i Danmark och som forskningsassistent, på University of California, Davis. Från september 2016 till oktober 2017 var han anställd som chefsveterinär på tandavdelningen på Evidensia Djursjukhuset i Malmö och i november 2017 blev han veterinär på Accesia Net@work AB. Idag driver han en egen klinik i Danmark.
  • Philippe Hennet
    Philippe Hennet
    Dipl. AVDC, Dipl. EVDC, EBVS® European Specialist in Veterinary Dentistry
    Philippe graduated from the Toulouse Veterinary School in the south-West of France in 1988. He then spent two years in general small animal practice before going to the University of Pennsylvania where he completed a residency in veterinary dentistry from 1990 to 1992. He became a Diplomate of the American Veterinary Dental College in 1993 and a Diplomate of the European Veterinary Dental College in 1998. He is a co-founder of the French Veterinary Dental Group (GEROS/AFVAC), of the European Veterinary Dental Society (EVDS) and of the European Veterinary Dental College (EVDC). He has been president of the GEROS, of the EVDS and of the EVDC. He has been a part-time lecturer and clinical assistant in veterinary dentistry in the veterinary school in Lyon and in Paris until 2004. He has authored numerous peer- reviewed publications and book chapters both in English and French. He is the author of two textbooks in French on dentistry, oral surgery and maxillofacial surgery. His main clinical interests include feline stomatitis and maxillo-facial surgery. He has set an EVDC residency program and has educated the four other French EVDC diplomates. He is currently a partner and head of the dental and oromaxillofacial unit in a multi-speciality referral hospital in west suburb of Paris.
  • Rachel Perry
    Rachel Perry
    BSc, BVM&S, MANZCVS, Dipl.EVDC, MRCVS European Veterinary Specialist, Veterinary Dentistry, RCVS Specialist, Veterinary Dentistry
    I graduated as a veterinary surgeon with merit from Edinburgh University in 1997, gaining a first class honours degree in Pathological Sciences along the way. I started in small animal practice in Sussex after a short period travelling. My interest in dentistry was generated by an unfortunate lack of training in dentistry at University. I initially participated in post-graduate training courses run by the BVDA, and from there my interest was hooked. In 2009 I finished a 4–part training programme organised by the European School of Advanced Veterinary Studies (ESAVS) on Veterinary Dentistry and Oral Surgery. In 2010 I limited my practice to small animal dentistry and oral surgery, and have been in this field exclusively since then. In 2012 I achieved membership by examination into the prestigious Dentistry Chapter of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists demonstrating expertise and competence in this field. This enabled me to apply for RCVS Advanced Practitioner status, which I achieved in 2015. In 2016 I passed the European Veterinary Dentistry College board examinations, becoming a board-certified European Diplomate in Veterinary Dentistry.
  • Rick F. Sanchez
    Rick F. Sanchez
    BSciBiol, DVM, DipECVO, CertVetEd/FHEA
    Rick pursued his education in the US and the UK with a BSciBiol in 1994 (STAC, New York), a DVM in 1999 after attending Ross and Louisiana State Universities. He obtained his EU veterinary qualification in 2001, a Certificate in Ophthalmology by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) in 2004, his DipECVO in 2007 and became Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) for Veterinary Teaching in 2014 through the Royal Veterinary College (RVC). He commenced his veterinary specialty training in the US in 1999 completed his residency training in ophthalmology at the University of Glasgow and the Eye Veterinary Clinic in 2005, then headed the ophthalmology service in a private practice until late 2011, when he joined the Royal Veterinary College (RVC) to establish and direct the Ophthalmology Service and establish an ECVO Ophthalmology Residency program that are still running today. He returned to private practice (Specialistische Dierenkliniek Utrecht (SDU)-Anicura) in the Netherlands in 2017. Rick is the course director of several established ophthalmology courses for veterinarians seeking general training in ophthalmology and lectures around the world. He is an Editorial Board Member of the Veterinary Ophthalmology journal since 2010, and the Senior Editorial Board Member of BMC Veterinary Research in Ophthalmology since 2018. Rick has an active research interest in the cornea, and in corneal and cataract surgeries. Rick’s Google Scholar profile has a list of his publications.
  • Sigbjørn Hesthammer Storli
    Sigbjørn Hesthammer Storli
    DVM, European Veterinary Specialist in Dentistry, Dipl. EVDC
    Sigbjørn tog sin veterinärexamen vid Justus Liebig Universität i Giessen, Tyskland, 1990. Han har genomfört ett flertal kurser inom smådjursmedicin med huvudinriktning på kirurgi och tandvård. År 2009 ägnade han sig heltid åt tandvård och oral kirurgi och blev Norges första veterinärspecialist inom tandsjukdomar och oral kirurgi efter att ha slutfört sin europeiska specialisering 2017. Sigbjørn genomförde specialiserad utbildning, inklusive perioder med arbete tillsammans med veterinärspecialister i Danmark och USA, och öppnade därefter Norges första specialklinik för djurhälsa och munnkirurgi i samarbete med sin partner. Sigbjørn har erhållit remisser för speciella fall inom sitt område från över 200 kliniker i hela landet. Han fungerar även som sakkunnig vittne och lämnar uttalanden till norska livsmedelssäkerhetsmyndigheten, försäkringsbolag och rättsväsendet i olika ärenden. Sigbjørn har författat artiklar i internationella tidskrifter och läroböcker och har hållit många föreläsningar både nationellt och internationellt.
  • Susanne Andersson
    Susanne Andersson
    Tandsköterska, Leg. Djursjuksköterska
    Hon är en ofta anlitad föreläsare & konsult, driver Accesia AB samt är rådgivare för veterinärer.