Mock Exam - 4 days

This is for veterinarians planning to become board certified specialists in veterinary dentistry i.e Diplomates. Based on availability, those with extensive experience and would like feedback on their work may partici-pate. The first day is devoted to lectures and demonstrations. The following days consist of practical examinations during the morn-ing sessions followed by evaluations of performed procedures in the afternoon.


This course targets individuals planning to become board certified specialists in veterinary dentistry. If space is available, those who have extensive experience and would like feedback on their work can participate. The first day is devoted to an introduction in the form of lectures and demonstrations. The following three days consist of practical examinations during the morning followed by evaluations of performed procedures during the afternoon.


Mock Exam
Course fee
€ 3 190,00
English English
Accesia Academy Level
Advanced Advanced
Cat Cat
Dog Dog
Interest inquiry

At the moment there are no vacancies at the course. Please make an expression of interest.

Expression of interest